This is my very first 21 Day Challenge. It is called, ~ Just Breathe … ~
Sounds simple right?
Over my many years, I have heard of this phrase, ‘Just Breath’, but never understood the depth of it. When you think about it, you can live weeks without food, days without water but only minutes without air. So, in reality our breaths are an essential part of life.
The quality of breaths we take are important, and why I am doing this as my very first 21 Day Challenge. We consistently, and without thinking about it, breathe throughout the day and in our sleep.
When you consciously tune in to the quality of your breaths, how are you breathing? Are they shallow breaths? Deep breaths?
When we are taking shallow breaths, we signal to the body, we are in fear, flight or fight mode. Just think if you were in a forest, or the amazon, lost, alone, it was dark, and you thought an animal was chasing you, at first, you would most likely take shallow breaths.
I would, because I would be scared, and in this situation, it is natural but short term, and our bodies can handle it. Doing shallows breaths over the course of your lifetime though is not good for us and affects our long term mental and physical health.
Just think of this same situation again, although at first you most likely are taking shallow breaths, what would you do to help protect yourself? So you weren’t heard? You would take in quiet deep and slow breaths, holding them, then as quietly as possible let them out, You would find doing this type of breathing would actually help to calm you.
When we are taking shallow breaths, only a small amount of oxygen is being taken into our bodies which doesn’t allow much to nourish our muscles, organs, and cells. In short, it cuts off the much-needed renewal of oxygen. It also increases your cortisol levels, and when cortisol levels are increased it signals that you are in a flight or fight situation. Being in the flight or fight mode for long term, ultimately drains your adrenals, affecting your health.
When you take in deep breaths, you take in more oxygen into your body allowing enough to nourish your muscles, organs, and cells of your body bringing in more energy, health and vitality. Another bonus when breathing deeply as one should, our cortisol levels are lowered, which lowers our stress, signaling we are safe … this may help you to shed a few pounds too.
So here is my challenge for you:
At least 1 time a day, for at least 21 days in a row, take in a 5 second breath, hold for 5, let go for 5 seconds, 5 times in a row or throughout the day.
Journal! Or at minimum, be conscious of how you feel before, during and after the 21 days (or longer) as well as when you are doing the breathing set. We are talking just 75 seconds/day… I give this a good rating.
For even better, at least 2 times during the day, for at least 21 days in a row, do the 5, 5 second breaths.
Again journal your breathing journey, or just be conscious of how you feel before the challenge, during and after the 21 days (or longer) as well as when you are doing the breathing sets. We are talking just 150 seconds/day. You can do one set in the am on your way to work, and then the other on your way home, or first thing in the am after you get up, and then right before you go to bed.
For best results, at least 3 times during the day for at least 21 days in a row, do the 5, 5 second breaths.
Again journal your breathing journey, or just be conscious of how you feel before the challenge, during and after the 21 days (or longer) as well as when you are doing the breathing sets. We are talking 225 seconds/day, just a little over 3 in a half minutes… I find when I am taking my first sips of tea in the am, then during lunch, and then right before bed time are best for me. What other times can you come up with that would be a great time for you? We have many opportunities during the day, capture one for yourself!
Please comment below to let me know how this challenge is going for you or how it went for you! I look forward to hearing all the success stories!
Sending you much love, light and abundance,
Thank you and Namaste, Rev. Sheila E.
“First be love, light, and abundance to yourself, and then you can for everyone else.”
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